
Benefits of CBD Oil

What is CBD Oil?

CBD is the abbreviation used for cannabidiol, which is a compound extracted from the cannabis plant. By diluting the extract with an oil, such as avocado, coconut, or hemp seed, CBD can be used for therapeutic use. Even though CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, it does not contain THC (the psychoactive compound that is found in marijuana). Just as many flower families include several variations, there are different forms of hemp in which these compounds derive. CBD oil can provide therapeutic relief in many ways, with many individuals reporting feeling healthier in areas of sleep, appetite and digestion, mood, immune function, pain, motor control, as well as pleasure and reward centers in the brain.

How Does CBD Oil Work?

After several decades of research, scientists have discovered that the mammalian body and brain house an endocannabinoid system (ECS) with specific receptors located in the brain, central and peripheral nervous systems, digestive tract, immune system, and endocrine system. This is a unique communication system within the body that affect many functions, including how a person may react, think, and move. It is similar to a lock and key model with two primary receptor points. The first primary cannabinoid receptor is CB1 and the second is CB2, both functioning as lock models. CB1 receptors are abundant in the central nervous system, while CB2 receptors are more often found on immune cells, in the gastrointestinal tract, and in the peripheral nervous system. Endocannabinoids are specialized keys that unlock the possibilities of the ECS and strive for optimal balance, or homeostasis, within the body and brain.
Most people don’t know that cannabidiols naturally exist within several systems of the human body.

How Do I Use CBD Oil?

There are multiple methods in which CBD can be administered. Sublingual drops under the tongue and using a vape pen are the most popular among CBD users. These methods have the quickest delivery of symptom relief, due to the high levels of bioavailability. Capsules are also available for oral use; however, the effects may take longer to notice. This is because it is reliant on digestion and absorption factors. Topical application for various skin conditions, as well as chronic pain, and inflammation are becoming more and more popular because the CBD is well absorbed into the skin and tissue.

Among many CBD users have been shown to result in faster relief and relaxation is muscle tissue.

Why Choose Sculptra Over a HA Filler

Sculptra is a stimulatory injectable filler composed of poly-L-lactic acid. It is biocompatible, meaning it is not harmful to the surrounding living tissue. It works by way of neocollagenesis, or stimulation of the body to produce its own collagen at the site of injection. Neocollagenesis triggers the targeted area to firm, tighten, lift and smooth the overlying skin. This is beneficial in areas of depressed skin caused by facial lipoatrophy (fat loss). This includes skin creases, wrinkles, folds, scars, and overall aging.

The injection itself is biodegradable and is absorbed by the body within one week. It is the response it creates that leads to the volume increase. The poly-L-lactic acid causes a localized inflammatory reaction, causing fibroblasts to infiltrate the area, encapsulating the injected implant with thin-walled collagen. The poly-L-lactic acid, itself, degrades into lactic acid leaving behind residual crystals. Over time, the crystals lead to collagen production causing the formation of fibrous connective tissue around the implant (fibroplasia) and thus a gradual thickening of the dermis.

This differs from other injectable fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, which cannot stimulate fibroblasts but instead stretches the existing collagen fibers through displacement of the area, leading to a short-term fix. Though the volume increase in Sculptra may take anywhere from three to six months to develop, the results persist upwards of two years. For this reason, Sculptra should be considered one of the first options for cosmetic rejuvenation.

Elizabeth Sippey PA-Resident
Essentials Medispa & Salon

The Verdict on Botox

It is not infrequently that I hear the comment, “I’m not vain’ or “I want to grow old gracefully,” or “at my age, what does it matter? What is implied in all these comments? Is there a commonality amongst them? Should we not care about how our faces decline as they age? Don’t we have a choice besides watching our looks transform and do nothing, of course, we do! Science and medicine have improved our lives in so many ways, this is just another way of remaining well.

First, instead of answering these questions directly, I might ask a woman patient about the beautiful clothing they were wearing, or maybe I would compliment them on their hairstyle or how perfectly polished their nails are. With a man maybe comment on the level of fitness, head of hair or his nice watch. My question is, are these measures vain? Is it a character flaw, wanting to present oneself in the best light? Is it “not okay” to wear nice clothes or to pamper ourselves?

Folks will spend hours and hours at the gym reshaping their bodies, buy great gym clothes and the best supplements. Hire top trainers and fitness and diet coaches. They spend thousands of dollars on lotions and potions and over the counter anti-aging “medicines” and herbs. Runners buy shoes and pedometers and join health clubs. The quest for the beautiful body of our dreams seems to be widely accepted without question. So, why is the advanced, safe and proven treatments in medical aesthetics somehow vain?

Well, the fact is that self-improvement and investing in medical aesthetics has been found to build self-esteem and confidence. Medical aesthetics has proven to be reliable, safe and much more affordable than ever. Some studies show that an attractive face, scores higher on attraction models than those of the body, especially as we age.

There is nothing else that can halt the progression of the aging face. No cream can counteract the effect of facial volume loss. Rhytids (wrinkles) are inevitable unless the muscles are relaxed, long term Retin-A or skin resurfacing device is used. The advancement of this specialty over the last decade has been amazing. The melding of long-term corrections for the aging face and regenerative medicine holds great promise. We are living longer, and it is just logical that we want to look as good as we feel. No one says “I have a migraine but I want to tolerate it gracefully, we take the Excedrin”!

I recall a patient explicitly saying, “I have earned every wrinkle on my 60-year-old face.” I say, “That may be true, but what about the grey hair on your head”? (as blonde highlighted auburn locks shine, ( from afternoon re-coloring), the twinkle in my eyes evident to her, she laughs out loud!

I rest my case.

Best of health,

Brian Whaley ARNP-BC
Rejuvenation Director

Trigger Point Injection

What is a Trigger Point Injection?

A trigger point injection is an injection of small amounts of steroids and anesthetic. The injection is intended to help relieve muscle pain associated with muscle spasms or inflammation. Also described as painful “knots” in your muscles, trigger points are the unfortunate result of a muscle that is contracted and cannot relax. A trigger point can be felt under the skin and is often tender to the touch. When pushed, pain radiates from the trigger point to the surrounding area. A trigger point that is left untreated can lead to chronic issues, disorders and ongoing pain.

Is a Trigger Point Injection right for you?

Trigger Point Injections are an excellent solution for muscle pain that has not responded to other treatments such as pain medication, physical therapy or even massage. Especially muscle pain in your arms, legs, lower back, shoulders, and neck. Trigger Point Injections can also treat or reduce pain caused by fibromyalgia, tension headaches, and myofascial pain.

How is Trigger Point Injection performed?

Your appointment will begin with an initial consultation and assessment by our medical staff. While you lie down or sit (depending on the location of your issue) our medical staff will locate the site of pain and talk to you about the severity and symptoms associated with your trigger point. Then, they will insert a small needle directly into the trigger point and inject the mixture of steroid and anesthetic.

After your injection, there is no reason why you cannot participate in all your normal daily activities. We recommended that you avoid anything strenuous for approximately 48-72 hours.

How long will a Trigger Point Injection last?

Because each treatment situation is unique, there is not a definitive answer on treatment length. However, typically the anesthetic will numb the area for 1 to 3 hours. The steroids in the mixture will generally remain in the tissue for about one month.

What are the risks?

As with any other medical procedure, there are always potential risks and side effects associated with treatment. With a trigger point injection, the risks and complications are very low. Potential issues may include bleeding, infection at the injection site or long-term numbness. All of these risks are uncommon and an unlikely outcome from the procedure. After your injection, you may experience temporary soreness or short-term numbness at the injection site.

How do I schedule my appointment?

If Trigger Point Injection sounds like the answer to your suffering and pain, please contact us at Essentials Medispa & Salon. Our staff is trained to discuss your situation and assess whether this treatment is right for you. Call us today at 321.722.2860 to schedule an appointment.

  1. Driver, C. Trigger Point Injection. Retrieved from


How do I get rid of my wrinkles? – Contours of Youth

How do I get rid of my wrinkles?

When it comes to the cause of facial aging, the blame has usually rested with the old standby culprit- THE WRINKLE!  This is not the case! Especially when most people are asking, “How do I get rid of my wrinkles?” The greatest culprit in the appearance of an elderly face is the loss of facial volume. Just like a container holds volume, we need to think of our face as a container for the tissue (fat pads) that lifts our skin off of the bone and creates beautiful cheeks and jawlines. Hollow facial concavities give an aged and tired appearance.

Why does my face wrinkle? What has been done to treat wrinkles in the past?

Facial fat pads become atrophic (shrink) in our middle years as a normal part of the aging process. Early treatment by implants and collagen were less than satisfying, so alternatives were developed. Fat transfers were available but a part of the population did not want surgery. In the early 2000s, hyaluronics like Restylane were introduced. These were well received by the public and volume replacement became common. Collagen and implants became less utilized, although fat transfers are still used in surgery. Unfortunately, over time injection techniques became more superficial and less effective. Instead of volume replacement, superficial lines were being targeted. This is a poor substitute for volume replacement, due to the short duration and lack of contour creation. The average aesthetic patient was becoming a line chaser instead of a volume replacer. Facial contouring is not chasing lines, it is replacing lost volume, creating contour, and treating the cause – not the symptoms of facial aging. Lines are caused by volume loss and if nothing is done, the face will become emptier and more skeletal as time goes on.  

How can I have a longer lasting wrinkle correction result?

Fortunately, the answer to volume loss has been discovered and we have many options at Essentials Medispa and Salon to address this problem. Products such as Juvéderm, Restylane, Versa, and Lyft are well tolerated and effective volume replacements. The duration of these products varies, but when injected properly and with proper amounts they can last up to two years. Essentials Medispa’s Rejuvenation Director, Brian Whaley recommends one year as the time frame to come in for a touch up. It is not advisable to allow treatments to wear off completely.
Another long lasting treatment for volume loss is found within bioactive formulas. Unlike hyaluronic medications, bioactive medications cause significant collagen growth. Collagen is the longest lasting form of volume replacement. Sculptra is our bioactive medication of choice here at Essentials Medispa and Salon in Melbourne, Florida. Once injected, patients can expect up to five years of volume correction.  Together with your practitioner, a maintenance schedule is setup so that a ¾ full approach is maintained. Volume replacement for facial rejuvenation is like the gym is for our bodies. It is best to first get to the place we want, so that we can then focus on maintaining our new body!

Safe Sun!

The summer and the surrounding months are great for outdoor activities. Many people love to enjoy the sunlight at the pool, on a hike, at the beach, or even in their own backyard. Regardless of how you choose to spend your summer, it’s all about soaking up the sun and enjoying the warm weather. Unfortunately, many people neglect to properly protect themselves from the sun, resulting in sunburns, skin damage, and other unwanted effects. Sometimes, this sun damage can even lead to skin cancer and other severe health issues. If you’re going to be spending time in the sun this summer, protection is key for staying safe and healthy. Here are some tips to help you stay safe while making the most out of the summer months.

Sunscreen & More Sunscreen

Sunscreen is the best way to guarantee protection from harmful UV rays. You should always wear sunscreen if you are going to be exposed to the sun for an extended period of time. You should apply sunscreen before going outside and reapply every two hours. You may want to reapply more often if you are swimming or sweating. To make sure you are getting the best protection, stick to sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher.

Cover Up the Skin

Covering up the skin and other sensitive areas can be a great way to limit harmful sun exposure. Long sleeve shirts and hats with brims are an excellent option, providing significant coverage and protection from the sun. You may also want to use sunglasses while you’re outside, which help protect the eyes from sun damage.

Relax in the Shade

There’s nothing wrong with taking a break from the hot sun to cool off in the shade. During the middle of the day, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., the sun’s rays are at their strongest. Hanging out in the shade can help you limit your exposure to harmful rays, and it’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors while staying cool and comfortable.

What’s So Bad About Sun Damage?

Excessive sunlight can cause sunburns, sun spots, and other unwanted problems regarding skin health. For more information on protecting yourself from the sun or treating sun damage, contact Essentials MedSpa & Salon today. We offer a range of cosmetic and health services, serving patients from Orlando, Melbourne, and the nearby areas of Florida.

Laser Hair Removal During Summer

The summer is full of sunshine and fun activities, finding many people at the beach, pool, and other outdoor locations. Unfortunately for some of us, the summer season also consists of shaving and waxing more often to prepare for these gatherings. Both women and men shave or wax to eliminate hair under the arms, around the bikini line, on the back, and in other visible areas to make sure we’re looking our absolute best in that new swimsuit. Shaving every few days and making regular waxing appointments can be exhausting, which is why so many people are turning to laser hair removal to keep themselves smooth and hairless during the summer months.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is an effective solution for permanent hair removal. This advanced treatment uses gentle and precise laser energy to target and eliminate hair follicles in even the most sensitive areas. It can be used on the face, the bikini line, and any other area where a patient would like to eliminate hair. With laser hair removal, patients can achieve long-lasting results that eliminate the need to ever wax, pluck, or shave again.

When to Get Laser Hair Removal

Many people want to achieve permanent hair removal for the spring and summer months when they are frequently in a bathing suit or vacationing. This means that you need to plan ahead with your laser hair removal treatments. In most cases, patients will need up to 6 treatments (4-6 weeks apart) to completely remove hair in the targeted areas. Patients often schedule their first appointment months ahead to give them enough time to obtain their desired results. Additionally, laser hair removal treatments can make the skin sensitive immediately after treatment. This means patients will have to limit sun exposure as the skin recovers. It is best to begin your laser hair removal treatment towards the end of summer or early fall to make sure you are ready to rock by the time spring rolls around.

Where Can I Try Laser Hair Removal?

If you are considering laser hair removal and are located in Orlando or the surrounding areas of central Florida, contact Essentials MedSpa & Salon today. We offer laser hair removal and other advanced cosmetic solutions to help you look your best every day of the year.

So Much More Than Weight Loss

What About Me?

When did weight loss programs become a thing? Well, if we look at history, I guess we can figure that out for ourselves. For generations people didn’t have weight loss programs because they didn’t need them. Living in the society of today everything is fast-paced, and we want results yesterday. We are stretched thin with our jobs, kids, social media, and all the responsibilities of being an adult. When did we lose sight of ourselves, and how did we fall so low on the totem pole of priorities? You probably make sure you meet deadlines at work, return emails promptly, and get your kids to their extracurricular activities on time, but here’s a question. How often do you show up for yourself? At Essentials MediSpa & Salon you will do that and so much more!

Medical Weight Loss in Melbourne, FL

So Many Options

The reality is that there are plenty of weight loss programs out there that can greatly restrict your calorie intake and, yeah, you’ll drop some weight quickly…but then what happens? Without learning the right way to eat, when to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat your weight loss will more than likely not be sustainable. The truth is that since there are so many different diets out there and multiple weight loss programs, how are you to know with this generation of sensory overload which program is right for you? And let’s be honest, since consuming 500 calories per day is not a sustainable way of living and will more than likely make you feel lethargic and cranky. Consequently, many individuals easily revert to their previous habits thus gaining the weight back. This is so horrible for your internal organs and the elasticity of your skin. Your weight goes on a yo-yo frenzy that leaves you confused, upset, and overweight yet again.

Let’s Talk Sustainable Balance

What’s great about the medical weight loss program that we at Essentials MediSpa & Salon offer is that it is all about you. Our team of professionals want to educate you on the right way to eat and incorporate exercise for long-lasting results. To be fair, there’s probably a piece of pizza, serving of mashed potatoes, and slice of birthday cake somewhere in your future. Ok, so let’s learn the best ways to incorporate these foods instead of saying “sorry, I can’t eat that, I’m on a special diet.” These are some of the most hated string of words that could ever be spoken. Finding balance is a practice just like anything else, and you can find it here at Essentials. The more foods that are eliminated from your diet the more you will crave them, and more than likely binge. Making healthy changes for weight loss is an absolute necessity and adding exercise will make the process that much easier. Especially if your bestie calls you to go out for a cocktail and dinner. Unlike before, you will have the tools in your tool box that give you the freedom to gladly accept and not eliminate all your progress. With the medical weight loss program at Essentials MediSpa & Salon you will learn how to reduce your craving and portions, increase your energy, get weekly hands-on support, and results that LAST!

*Results may vary from person to person

Why Should Men Consider Botox®?

It’s becoming more and more apparent that men are not just considering Botox®, but are actually getting the injections, in record numbers.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons conducted a study in 2015 and reported an increase of 337% in American men seeking out Botox® therapy since the year 2000.

Why is this happening?

It’s a Botox® Revolution

Today’s men are beginning to experience the same pressure women have felt for decades – the importance of looking younger and staying attractive, particularly in a job market that may be extremely competitive.

The men who have already tried Botox® (or “Brotox”, as some are calling it) discovered it actually does makes them look and feel better. Some think it gives them that needed edge over their competition, both personally and professionally.

And ever since men breached the hair salon barrier, they seem to be more open about appearance-related treatments. The stigma that once surrounded anything remotely “cosmetic” in nature for men has significantly subsided.

Why Should Men Consider Botox®?

A man should consider getting Botox® injections for many of the same reasons a woman considers it.

  • It improves the signs of aging, such as brow furrows, crow’s feet, and lip lines
  • It can also help with the treatment of acne, excessive sweating and chronic headaches
  • No downtime
  • Immediate results

Just so you know, Botox® has long been used by bodybuilders. They understand the need in their industry to look younger, and there’s widespread belief that it gives them a leg up on their competitors.

The reality is, more and more, we’re living in a youth-focused society. Men (and women as well) who look younger are routinely thought to be smarter, happier, and even more skilled than those who look older. It’s just how the world works today.

If You’re a Man Considering Botox® – Some Things You Should Know

It’s already come to light that there are substantial differences between men and women as far as the end result of Botox® injections. So in choosing a doctor, you want one who has experience administering injectables in male patients.

There’s no exact dosages specific to men at this point, but most professionals agree that a male patient needs a higher dose than a female patient.

Men age differently from women. Your skin is thicker than a woman’s and has better nourishment to it because of the blood supply needed for your facial hair. For these reasons, you may only need a couple of visits a year to maintain the youthful appearance Botox® can help you achieve.

The Fact Is – More Men Are Getting Botox®

The majority of men seeking out Botox® treatments tend to be 35-65 year old professionals. They’re in business or law, or they may be in the art or fashion world. But beyond that, there are no “types” of men, no specific demographic to predict who may decide to get Botox® injections. The desire for younger looking skin, free from age-related lines and wrinkles crosses all races, ages, sports and political leanings.

If you’re interested in learning more about Botox® injections, contact Essentials Medispa & Salon today.

Benefits of IV Therapy

Chances are, if you think about an IV drip, your first thought is probably not about detoxing or boosting your energy. But that’s exactly what you can get from today’s IV therapy.

Yes, IV drips are still used in the hospital to replenish fluids or provide nutrients and medications to patients, but IV therapy serves a completely different, often unexpected, purpose.

IV therapies like the ones offered at Essentials Medispa & Salon are administered in a private room (when available) while you relax and listen to music. Lay back in comfort with a pillow and cover up with a blanket while the infusion specialist sets you up with customized IV vitamin cocktails and intramuscular nutrient shots to help you reach your goals.

Maximize your health, boost your energy, prevent an illness or reverse a disease you’re battling – these are just a few of the benefits you can receive from an IV therapy session.

How IV Therapy Nourishes Your Body

The traditional way of nourishing your body is by eating healthy foods and taking vitamin supplements. Unfortunately, pulling vitamin and mineral nutrients from the foods we eat is a very complicated process. It involves multiple steps and there are many issues that can get in the way and interrupt the natural flow.

In order for the nutrients in the food to get to your blood so it can be circulated throughout the body, the food must be digested first and absorbed into your system. This requires proper gut health, which many people are simply unable to maintain. Add to that the fact our foods today don’t contain the same amount of nutrients they did in years past, so even eating clean and healthy food is not enough to ensure proper nutrition and nourishment.

That is why IV therapy is a great way to nourish your body and get the nutrients you may be missing. IV vitamin therapy completely bypasses the digestive system and deposits vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients directly into the bloodstream where they can be 100% absorbed. This allows your body to be flooded with critical nutrients in much larger doses than you could take orally and allows for nourishment at the cellular level. This gives you overall improvement in your nutritional status and can provide relief for many symptoms of acute and chronic illnesses.

Who Can Benefit from IV Therapy?

Just about everyone can benefit from the efficient, increased nourishment of IV vitamin therapy. In today’s hectic, fast paced life, almost everyone is suffering from something. It may be a lack of sleep, chronic stress, physical pain, inadequate nutrition or just constantly feeling tired and rundown.

IV therapy addresses all these issues and more. There are therapies designed specifically for nutritional deficiencies, while others work to reduce stress or combat illness or fatigue.

Taking IV therapy can be administered proactively if you’re trying to maintain an optimal level of wellness, with proper nourishment and increased stamina and energy. It can also be used in the treatment of chronic conditions, such as asthma, cancer, depression, drug addiction, lupus, as well as acute conditions, such as headaches, fatigue, colds/flus, allergies, morning sickness… the list goes on.

Additional Benefits of IV Therapy

Comparing IV infusions to other forms of nutritional therapy, IV drips come out on top. They are convenient and fast acting, gentle on the digestive system and more effective than oral solutions.

IV therapies also provide a wide range of overall general health benefits, including:

  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Fewer symptoms of allergies, diabetes, erectile dysfunction and PMS
  • Weight loss
  • Improved hydration and skin quality
  • Improved mood, energy, stamina and metabolic functions
  • Shortened recovery time and optimal performance for athletes
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Support for healthier sleep patterns

From hangover relief to anti-aging skin boosts to the world-renowned Myers Cocktail, IV therapy is worth looking into for maximizing your overall wellness. To learn more about how IV therapy may benefit you, contact Essentials Medispa & Salon today.