Heavy Metal Poisoning

Health and Wellness Center in Melbourne, FL

The nation’s eyes were opened to heavy metal poisoning with the water crisis in Flint, MI in 2016.  Over 100,000 residents were exposed to lead contaminated drinking water from old pipes. The situation worsened as this prompted other cities drinking water to be examined and they found hundreds of other cities to have contaminated drinking water too. This created an unsettling feeling amongst many Americans. The possibility that heavy metal poisoning still exists in today’s advanced society became a reality.

Leadpoisoning is just one of several potential heavy metal toxins that can be found in our daily environment. Heavy metals such as nickel, aluminum, cadmium, mercury and the metalloid arsenic can also be present. They all have been documented to cause potentially serious health consequences. Heavy metal toxins aren’t just contained to old factories and construction sites. Exposure to heavy metals may occur not only through the environment; but our diet, medications, and jobs.

Essentials, Dr. Michael Lesser explains the severity of heavy metal poisoning and why it’s important to get tested. “Heavy metal toxicity can produce subtle abnormalities that can cause a variety of symptoms and signs from fatigue and headaches, to more serious abnormalities such as anemia, or organ system dysfunction. Those toxic metals can not only make you feel ill, they can contribute to an extensive list of diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and other neurological and brain disorders.” He also stresses that many people suffer from the adverse effects of low-levels and/or chronic exposure and don’t even know it.

This isn’t a routine test or part of your yearly physical.  This is a potentially hazardous problem that can be easily overlooked. However, at a below retail cost of only $139, your friends at Essentials now makes testing for these harmful toxins a reality. They offer an at home kit that includes a complimentary review and analysis by their medical director. If you do test positive, Essentials has developed and tested a series of intravenous treatments to remove these from your body.

Do yourself a favor and obtain one of these screening tests today. Call our professionals at 321-722-2860 to find out more information. Heavy metal poisoning is a scary health issue that affects thousands every year. With a quick, low-cost, at home test you will have peace of mind.