What Can A B12 Shot Do For You?

B12 Injections in Melbourne, FL

B12 is an extremely important vitamin and even mild deficiencies in some people can cause symptoms. Many people in this country have low B12 levels and are unaware that B12 is critical vitamin for metabolism and energy. One study from the US Department of Agriculture found that over 40% of people are in the “low normal” or “deficient” range. The people with the low values described themselves as “busy people with fast-paced lives.” Very low levels can cause disease including loss of neurological function. Symptoms of deficiency can include depression, mood disorders, fatigue, memory loss, anemia, low blood pressure, and high homocysteine levels.

What does Vitamin B12 do?
1. Helps the body process carbs (this is how it helps with weight loss)

2. Helps the body make red blood cells (especially important for women)

3.  Is  a critical part of making ATP, which is the basic unit of energy for the body (like gasoline for your car)

4.  Helps the body breakdown alcohol

B12 Shot $29 ~ Series of 5 $100