Overwashing your hair can rinse away beneficial oils that are good for your hair. If you have thin, fine hair, then you are probably aware that one day without washing can make you feel dirty. That’s where dry shampoo comes in. Dry shampoo has been a product that resurfaced a few years ago and made waves. Once we learned how bad washing our hair every day is, we discovered that dry shampoo could be the solution. It gave us a way to wash less while avoiding looking like a slob.

What Actually is Dry Shampoo?

All it is is an oil-absorbing powder that can soak up grease and dirt when applied to hair. You simply apply it to the greasiest part of your hair, usually the roots, and comb it through. Our hair goes through enough daily abuse and damage, mostly caused by environmental toxins and our daily activities, but also from our shampoos. There are a lot of great shampoos out there with natural ingredients, but they can still be harsh on our hair if we wash it every day. Dry shampoo is a life saver, and since we are putting it in our hair and on our scalp, it should be natural, too. Nothing is more natural than making it yourself!

For lighter hair colors, use:

  • 2 drops essential rose oil
  • 1/4 cup arrowroot powder
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 2 drops essential cedar oil
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil

For darker hair colors:

  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons of arrowroot powder
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 3 drops essential peppermint oil
  • 2 drops essential cedar oil

Put the drops of essential oil into the arrowroot or arrowroot and cocoa mixture, then add the baking soda. Blend together and store in a mason jar. If you have very dark hair, add more cocoa powder.

Once you’re done making your dry shampoo, you can use a makeup brush, such as the Handy Buki Brush, to apply it to your hair. It gives good coverage, helps you avoid excessive brushing and keep your hands clean. Less is more!

So, if you’re looking for a product that allows you to skip washing your hair for a couple days and still have locks that are fresh and full of body, you may want to consider dry shampoo. And by making it yourself, you can ensure it only contains natural ingredients that won’t do damage to your hair or scalp. Dry shampoo is a quick and convenient product for both men and women who are looking to maintain healthy hair for as long as possible.

Protection Your Skin From The Sun

With the sunny months ahead of us it’s important to pay attention to our skin’s health and protecting it. We know today that we should wear sunscreen and avoid tanning beds; however, many people still don’t listen.  According to the American Cancer Society it is estimated that nearly 9,500 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. Women may be more prone to talking about their skin and sun damage, but skin cancer is common in men too.

Sun screen is your best source of prevention, tanning oil does not count. Sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher needs to be applied every day to sun exposed areas of your skin, and if you’re outside for prolonged period of time it needs to be reapplied every 2 hours or after getting wet. Also to get the full effects of the SPF it claims, you need to slather it on. Depending on the size of the person, around one ounce is enough to cover the average sun exposed areas of a person for two hours. The majority of Americans don’t come close to using the correct amount. Spray sunscreens are the newest thing, sweeping the shelves at every store. They are easy, convenient and great if you are trying to put sunscreen on a handful of anxious children waiting to go swimming. However it is hard to tell if the proper amount is being applied because it is hard to tell how much is actually coming out. Many of us forget that lips are skin too. You can tell when they become chapped, but it is also important to realize they can get burned too and are easily susceptible to getting skin cancer. Find a chapstick with SPF 30 also. You may have to put down the ones that taste like your favorite jelly beans but there are a lot of options out there.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, but also the most easily preventable. With all that is in this world that we can’t control, you might as well get the edge on something you can. There aren’t excuses anymore.  We know UV rays are bad for us and thousands of products have been developed to help us. There is a vast array of sunscreens out there for you and your family’s outdoor activities, you can find something that works for everyone. Standard sunscreens are effective but can be greasy and aren’t always the best thing to wear daily under makeup.  There is; however, a variety daily products to help keep your protective and looking healthy.

There are a lot of noteworthy face lotions out there to try. Everyone has different skin and reacts differently to certain products, try a few and see what works for you. A moisturizer is important for skin to keep it hydrated and also helps with a smoother makeup application. A lot of us think that our foundation protects are skin and some even have SPF in it but it’s not at a high enough level to get the needed protection.  An ideal face lotion will have, like your sunscreen, a SPF 30 or higher with antioxidants to decrease damaging effects of the sun and environmental exposures. My favorite daily moisturizer is by Image. Their tinted moisturizer is amazing for all skin types. It evens out your skin tone and gives you a natural glow, while protecting you from future damage. Win Win!

Spring Body Scrubs

Exfoliating your skin is an important part of our beauty regime that easily gets overlooked. It’s good for your skin, when done properly. When you exfoliate you remove the dead skin cells from the outer layer of your skin. You don’t want to do it too often, too hard. It’s also different depending on your skin type. Some people are more sensitive than others. It’s always important to do a test area of your skin first, before exfoliating your whole body. After exfoliating apply a body moisturizer. Your loofa is good for lightly exfoliating your body but doesn’t do enough. Using a natural body scrub once a week will do wonders for your skin. These below are gentle and have great spring scents.


Lavender Scrub

½ cup brown sugar

½ cup coconut oil in solid form

1 tablespoon of salt

Couple drops of lavender essential oil


Lemongrass Scrub

1 cup loosely packed brown sugar

1/2 cup coconut oil (in solid form)

2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

1 tablespoon of jojoba oil

Couple drops of lemongrass essential oil


Sweet Orange Scrub

¾ cup white sugar

¼ cup salt

¼ cup olive oil

Couple drops of orange essential oil

Kick Your Morning Oats Up a Notch

Oatmeal is not only great tasting but great for you. Oats contain both soluble and insoluble fiber and protein. They also provide important minerals. Nutrient-rich oatmeal contains thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, and iron. They are also naturally gluten-free. They have also been known to help people control their weight by helping you feel full because they are full of whole grains. My favorite thing about oatmeal is you can make what you want of them. You can pack them with more protein and vitamins by adding ingredients to them and have a variety of flavors, so you don’t get bored. Below are a few great flavor combinations to try. This isn’t your grandma’s oatmeal.

Cashew Butter, Banana and Unsweetened Coconut Flakes with Organic Honey
Instead of water, cook your oatmeal with cashew milk. It adds fiber and protein while giving it a creamy texture. Add a splash of vanilla extract too. Next, add these great ingredients below for a hearty breakfast full of great flavor.
• 2 tablespoons cashew butter
• 1 tablespoon raw organic Honey
• 1 medium-sized banana sliced
• ¼ cup unsweetened organic coconut flakes

Almond Butter, Raspberry and Chia Seed
Instead of water, cook your oatmeal with almond milk (vanilla, unsweetened). Almond milk is low carb and full of flavor. Then add the ingredients below for a sweet and savory breakfast.
• ¼ cup unsalted, slivered almonds
• ½ cup of fresh raspberries
• 2 tablespoons chia seeds
• ¼ cup almond butter

Mango, Banana, and honey
Instead of water make your oatmeal with coconut milk. Low carb and low sugar but gives it a slightly sweet taste with a creamy texture. Then add the ingredients below for an oatmeal island treat.
• ¼ cup mangoes, diced
• ½ banana, sliced
• 2 tablespoons organic honey
• 2 tablespoons organic, unsweetened coconut flakes